S T R E T C H I N G the Truth

Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 12.45.48 PMStretching is one of the key components to preserving your mobility, improving your joint health, and developing ultimate body balance; but it is an exercise tip that is most often disregarded. Over the years I have heard many different opinions on stretching from when to stretch and how often to stretch, to the different types of stretching. And, with so many opinions out there, I want to clear things up and give you the absolute truth about stretching.

When is the Best Time to Stretch; Before, During, or After Exercise? 

I suggest that before every exercise session you do a brief 3-5 minute low impact warm up and then stretch each muscle group for 20-30 seconds. Stretching during exercise can be done if you are feeling tightness in a certain muscle or group of muscles but it is not completely necessary. What about after exercise? This is the most important time to stretch because your muscles have been flexing and working and need to be taken back to their original range of motion before exercising again. This is where muscle and body imbalances can either start or be corrected, so make sure you allow time to stretch after your workout, too.

How Often Should You Stretch?

In an ideal world, stretching would reach its full potential if we did it every day. But, stretching every day is probably impractical and unrealistic for most of us because of our schedules and our lifestyles. A more realistic approach to stretching would be to do a full body stretch at least 3-4 days a week for 10-15 minutes and stretch specific muscles on the same day that you exercise them. Stretching can be monotonous and tedious, but it is absolutely necessary for our mobility now and in the future.

Which Type of Stretching is Best; Static or Dynamic Stretching?

When it comes to stretching there are two main types; static and dynamic. Static stretching means getting to the point where you feel a stretch in a particular muscle and holding that stretch without movement. Dynamic stretching would be getting to the point where you feel a stretch and then immediately return to the starting point, repeating this several times. Basically, dynamic stretching is stretching with movement. I recommend static stretching most of the time especially after exercise but it’s OK to do some dynamic stretching before exercise as a warm up. Just be sure to go slow with your movements to avoid over extending a cold body part or joint.

There are many opinions on stretching but it is absolutely vital that it is included in your fitness routine, even if your routine does not involve resistance training. The best way to look at stretching at the end of each of your workouts is that it gives you a great head start and a great beginning to your next workout. And, that’s no lie.


Join My It’s All Heart Fitness Class, May 7th at 8 pm!



It’s All Heart 

A Total Body Fitness Class Offered by Bobby Whisnand


 What makes this program different? 

Regardless of your abilities, health issues, or exercise experience 


What You’ll Get:

  • A class specifically designed for those with mobility, balance, energy and joint pain issues
  • Full body workout including resistance, cardiovascular and flexibility
  • Options for exercising for 30 minutes or for one hour
  • Learn kickboxing, functional movement, and core building moves
  • Increase your mobility and reduce joint pain
  • One-on-one time with Bobby Whisnand and his trainers
  • The classes compliment the It’s All Heart fitness program by Bobby Whisnand

The Next It’s All Heart Class:

  • Class starts Wednesday, May 7th at 8:00pm
  • Location – Performant Fitness, 4112 Legacy Drive, Frisco TX 75034
  • $10 per person/per class
  • What to bring: Comfortable clothing that allows for optimum movement, a water bottle, and a towel
  • To register or inquire about Bobby’s It’s All Heart classes, email Bobby@BobbyWhisnand.com or call 214.926.2639


Can’t attend this class or would like for me to hold a fitness class near you? Call or shoot me an email. Or, try the full It’s All Heart video series here


Mobility 4 Life

I want to live as long as I’m alive. I want to keep moving freely, run when I want to, play sports, exercise without pain, and enjoy life for as long as I possibly can. And, by the means and methods of which I use to exercise, eat, and manage my stress, I will most certainly enjoy the rest of my life to its fullest and I want the same for you.

I have listed my top four things you need to do STARTING NOW to ensure you too will live well for the rest of your life.

Bobby Whisnand 1. Become Educated in Exercise – The single most valuable thing you can do is to start learning about your body, your muscles, and your joints; not only the different muscles but more importantly how these muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage work during exercise. As many of you have heard me say, “Over 90% of what I see in our exercise arenas is not only incorrect, but detrimental to future mobility and quality of life”. In most cases, I see the gym as a waiting room for orthopedic surgery and joint replacement. If you want to learn how to exercise the right way, come see me and I will teach you exactly what it looks like and feels like to exercise correctly.

2. Prepare and Recuperate – These two things are the most common elements missing in fitness. Most of your success in fitness will come from what you do OUTSIDE of your exercise routine. You have to prepare the body for exercise with the right nutrition, timing of your pre workout meal, plenty of rest, and positive productive thinking. The exact same things apply to recuperation; good food¸ timing of food, rest, and positive mental attitude are the keys to full recuperation. Plan ahead, be ready, produce, and seal the deal.

3. Become Educated on Nutrition – The absolute best thing you can do when starting to eat healthy is to get educated on nutrition. Not diets and eating plans but good old basic food. Learn what different foods do for you, how your body uses them, timing of digestion of different foods, and how certain combinations of foods affect your body. This is where it’s at; there are far too many of us with different genetics, needs, goals, and lifestyles to pin down any one eating plan that works best. Once you truly learn about nutrition, you can write your own plan. To start with, get rid of those fried foods and those sweet things we call deserts; Ok, maybe a little desert every now and then.

4. Toughen Up; There’s a Fight Comin” – Getting healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy. It’s a daily, weekly, monthly, and lifelong battle. It is easier for some than others but over all, it’s a fight. You must understand that there will be many ups and downs and this is all natural. EVERYONE goes through this but it’s the tough ones that prevail and succeed. There will be obstacles and stress around every corner so be prepared. Stress is a part of life; managing stress is the key so learn to train your mind as well. Find a partner who has similar fitness goals as you and keep each other in check by providing accountability.

The key to living as long and as well as you can begins with education; education on correct exercise and nutrition. And, as with anything in life, being prepared is always the best way to go but don’t forget the recuperation side as well. And last but not least, get tough, stay tough, and power through life’s challenges that will always be along your road to a better longer life.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist; that is all.” – Oscar Wilde

To Avoid Cancer, Think Small; Very Small

Avoiding cancer is on all of our minds because we have all been touched by it in one way or another. Although cancer cannot always be prevented, there are many types of cancer that can be avoided by the way we eat, live, and breath. It basically comes down to our immune system having the ability to fight off or destruct a mutated cancer cell before it replicates and takes hold in several areas of our body. To put yourself in the best possible position to defend against cancer, you need to fight on a cellular level; that’s where cancer starts. Here are my top things to do on a daily basis to keep your cells strong and ready to fight at all times.

ways-to-eat-healthier1.) Build super cells with super foods – This is exactly why the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society place so much importance on – eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. And, it is equally important to eat a low fat diet and maintain a healthy body weight to keep your cells strong and healthy. The strength of every cell in our bodies is determined by how strong the mitochondria are within each cell. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell; the motor of each cell which needs oxygen and good nutrients to stay strong. Clean food = clean fuel = clean blood = strong and healthy cells.

2.) Get moving – Our bodies were made to move and when we move, our blood circulates more to provide oxygen and nutrients to every single type of tissue we have in our bodies; our muscles, soft tissue, bones, and organs. When a body doesn’t move much, everything about our bodies weaken and are subject to bacteria and viruses which can and do cause cancer. Viruses and bacteria win their fight on a cellular level when your body cannot fight it off fast enough. Mobility gives your body the ability to kill cancer before it starts and that’s why you should aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity for five days a week as a minimum.

3.) Avoid the bad stuff – We all know what this means; use of tobacco in any form, drinking too much, not wearing sunscreen, drug abuse, and many others. I’m going to add a few; not sleeping enough, over training in exercise, not managing stress, not getting your medical screenings, and not washing your hands. All of these weaken your body by weakening your individual cells. Avoiding cancer is tough enough without making it harder on yourself so get the bad stuff out of your system. We all have our vices; moderation is the key my friends.

One day, cancer will be cured but, for right now, we have to protect ourselves as much as we can by the way we live. Our bodies do what we tell it to do by the way we eat, live, and breath. And, to battle against a very big and silent enemy, we must start and keep the fight on a very small level by developing and supporting cellular health. Fuel up, run the race, and live to fight another day.