Mobility 4 Life

I want to live as long as I’m alive. I want to keep moving freely, run when I want to, play sports, exercise without pain, and enjoy life for as long as I possibly can. And, by the means and methods of which I use to exercise, eat, and manage my stress, I will most certainly enjoy the rest of my life to its fullest and I want the same for you.

I have listed my top four things you need to do STARTING NOW to ensure you too will live well for the rest of your life.

Bobby Whisnand 1. Become Educated in Exercise – The single most valuable thing you can do is to start learning about your body, your muscles, and your joints; not only the different muscles but more importantly how these muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage work during exercise. As many of you have heard me say, “Over 90% of what I see in our exercise arenas is not only incorrect, but detrimental to future mobility and quality of life”. In most cases, I see the gym as a waiting room for orthopedic surgery and joint replacement. If you want to learn how to exercise the right way, come see me and I will teach you exactly what it looks like and feels like to exercise correctly.

2. Prepare and Recuperate – These two things are the most common elements missing in fitness. Most of your success in fitness will come from what you do OUTSIDE of your exercise routine. You have to prepare the body for exercise with the right nutrition, timing of your pre workout meal, plenty of rest, and positive productive thinking. The exact same things apply to recuperation; good food¸ timing of food, rest, and positive mental attitude are the keys to full recuperation. Plan ahead, be ready, produce, and seal the deal.

3. Become Educated on Nutrition – The absolute best thing you can do when starting to eat healthy is to get educated on nutrition. Not diets and eating plans but good old basic food. Learn what different foods do for you, how your body uses them, timing of digestion of different foods, and how certain combinations of foods affect your body. This is where it’s at; there are far too many of us with different genetics, needs, goals, and lifestyles to pin down any one eating plan that works best. Once you truly learn about nutrition, you can write your own plan. To start with, get rid of those fried foods and those sweet things we call deserts; Ok, maybe a little desert every now and then.

4. Toughen Up; There’s a Fight Comin” – Getting healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not easy. It’s a daily, weekly, monthly, and lifelong battle. It is easier for some than others but over all, it’s a fight. You must understand that there will be many ups and downs and this is all natural. EVERYONE goes through this but it’s the tough ones that prevail and succeed. There will be obstacles and stress around every corner so be prepared. Stress is a part of life; managing stress is the key so learn to train your mind as well. Find a partner who has similar fitness goals as you and keep each other in check by providing accountability.

The key to living as long and as well as you can begins with education; education on correct exercise and nutrition. And, as with anything in life, being prepared is always the best way to go but don’t forget the recuperation side as well. And last but not least, get tough, stay tough, and power through life’s challenges that will always be along your road to a better longer life.

“To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people exist; that is all.” – Oscar Wilde

To Avoid Cancer, Think Small; Very Small

Avoiding cancer is on all of our minds because we have all been touched by it in one way or another. Although cancer cannot always be prevented, there are many types of cancer that can be avoided by the way we eat, live, and breath. It basically comes down to our immune system having the ability to fight off or destruct a mutated cancer cell before it replicates and takes hold in several areas of our body. To put yourself in the best possible position to defend against cancer, you need to fight on a cellular level; that’s where cancer starts. Here are my top things to do on a daily basis to keep your cells strong and ready to fight at all times.

ways-to-eat-healthier1.) Build super cells with super foods – This is exactly why the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society place so much importance on – eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. And, it is equally important to eat a low fat diet and maintain a healthy body weight to keep your cells strong and healthy. The strength of every cell in our bodies is determined by how strong the mitochondria are within each cell. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell; the motor of each cell which needs oxygen and good nutrients to stay strong. Clean food = clean fuel = clean blood = strong and healthy cells.

2.) Get moving – Our bodies were made to move and when we move, our blood circulates more to provide oxygen and nutrients to every single type of tissue we have in our bodies; our muscles, soft tissue, bones, and organs. When a body doesn’t move much, everything about our bodies weaken and are subject to bacteria and viruses which can and do cause cancer. Viruses and bacteria win their fight on a cellular level when your body cannot fight it off fast enough. Mobility gives your body the ability to kill cancer before it starts and that’s why you should aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity for five days a week as a minimum.

3.) Avoid the bad stuff – We all know what this means; use of tobacco in any form, drinking too much, not wearing sunscreen, drug abuse, and many others. I’m going to add a few; not sleeping enough, over training in exercise, not managing stress, not getting your medical screenings, and not washing your hands. All of these weaken your body by weakening your individual cells. Avoiding cancer is tough enough without making it harder on yourself so get the bad stuff out of your system. We all have our vices; moderation is the key my friends.

One day, cancer will be cured but, for right now, we have to protect ourselves as much as we can by the way we live. Our bodies do what we tell it to do by the way we eat, live, and breath. And, to battle against a very big and silent enemy, we must start and keep the fight on a very small level by developing and supporting cellular health. Fuel up, run the race, and live to fight another day.

Eating Clean – the Dirty Truth

Throughout many of my blogs I talk about eating “clean” and this seems to always generate questions about what I mean by “clean”. Eating clean is a lot more than eating good nutritious food; it’s also about when you eat and your food combinations. Here is my checklist of the three things you need to do to truly eat clean.

asparagusEating Whole Unprocessed Food – this is where reading labels are so important and specifically reading the ingredients. The ingredients should be nothing other than what you are intending to eat. Eating certified organic food is a great start but there can still be preservatives and fillers which can throw you off of eating clean. And, watch those sodium levels.

Eat Small and Often – timing is a big part of eating clean. Spreading your calories throughout the day ensures a higher metabolism and a much lesser chance of storing body fat. Eating small amounts of good nutritious food is much easier for your body to break down and process for energy.

Eating Good Food Combinations – this is the one where many people make mistakes.  Overall, you should shoot for 50% carbohydrates, 20% protein, and 30% fat. This is a general guideline and will fluctuate per individual and according to your weight loss goals. A good rule of thumb is to shoot for making half your plate fruits and vegetables and use the percentages I listed above during most of your meals. If you are trying to lose weight, greatly reduce or eliminate carbohydrates from your dinner.

To truly eat clean takes a lot of dedication and knowing that it’s about a lot more than just the food you eat. You can still become unhealthy by eating good food if you eat too much, too often, or in the wrong combinations. Your body and especially your heart love you when you give it clean fuel to run; Keep it clean, rev it up, and run like the wind.

Your Immune System – Building the Ultimate Force Field

Nobody likes getting sick, and being under the weather is both inconvenient and without prejudice. Those nasty viruses and bacteria which have been on earth for a long time have only gotten stronger and are constantly evolving with each day. They are a constant threat to everyone’s health and as we get older, our immune system needs help to stay strong to defeat these germs on a daily basis. The key is to build a strong defense and to make sure you have the ultimate force field.

Sick with the fluMake these things I have listed a part of your everyday life so you can build and maintain a strong immune system and kick those viruses to the curb.

1.) Wash those hands – Always wash your hands before touching your food and it’s also a good idea to keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer when eating at restaurants because menus are full of germs from many people; think about it. And, keep your hands out of your face.

2.) Get plenty of sleep – Sleeping is your body’s chance to recuperate from your day. When you do not get enough sleep, your immune system takes a hit and you will be more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Shoot for 8-9 hours of sleep every night.

3.) Manage your stress – Stress weakens the body and the mind and causes you to expend energy which you normally wouldn’t spend under less stressful conditions. Stress is a fact of life and mostly unavoidable; find a way to manage it and get some relief.

4.) Get active – An active body is a more healthy body if treated right. The right amount of exercise strengthens your entire body and especially your immune system. Exercise creates blood circulation, growth hormone release, hormone production, and burns calories which all equate to better health. Although exercise is healthy, be sure not to do too much exercise; this weakens your immune system.

5.) Eat clean fuel – Food is fuel and clean fuel burns hot. When you eat “clean”, you are eating 4-5 servings of both fruits and vegetables a day; fruit and vegetables are full of high quality vitamins and minerals which create and support a strong immune system. High quality protein and whole grains also play a key role in building a strong immune system. Make sure you are also getting enough essential oils (Omega 3, 6, and 9) in your diet to ensure healthy cells. And, last but not least, drink plenty of water every day; at least 100-120 ounces a day.

From head to toe, we are only as strong as our weakest length. Maintaining a strong immune system is a daily fight and you have to pack a powerful punch and build a strong force field because germs are planning their next punch and will hit back.

Weighing Your Options

When it comes to managing your weight, it really comes down to making more good eating choices than bad choices. Now, if only it were that easy. We all know that the opportunities to eat bad food, fast food, and too much food are literally around every corner. With all of this convenience to make bad eating choices, we need to weigh our options before we make that bad eating choice that is going to make us feel bad for eating poorly. Before you drive through that fast food restaurant, eat way more than you should, or go crazy eating at the next party, take a second to run through this checklist.


  • Is It Worth It? Are a few moments of satisfaction from eating bad food worth the despair you’re going to feel for the next several days or even weeks for making a bad choice?
  • Remember When – remember how you felt the last time you made bad eating choices and how bad it made you feel. Remember asking yourself “why did I do that?”
  • It All Adds Up – Every single choice you make adds up over the long run. If your good eating choices outweigh your bad eating choices, great things will happen; keep the scale in your favor.
  • Be Honest and Be Accountable – journal your food, both good and bad. But, write down EVERYTHING you eat and drink and be honest with yourself by leaving nothing out. This leads to accountability and can help you make the good outweigh the bad. Read your journal often and make a point to review it often.

Weight management is a part of life. It is different for all of us and some of us have a lot tougher time than others at being successful at having and maintaining a healthy body weight. Whatever your challenges may be with your weight, constantly remind yourself of how good it feels when you make the right food choices, especially when that choice was made in the face of temptation.  And, take another step to where you really want to be and smile.

The Heat Is On; The Truth About Burning Body Fat

It seems without a doubt that everyone involved in various forms of exercise all have one definite goal in common; to lose body fat. At the same time, it is very obvious as to why many people are confused and misled when it comes to understanding and knowing how to lose body fat in a healthy way. For this very reason, I have listed the three essential variables you must employ and provide for your body to truly lose body fat and keep it off.

222e5a0ebfe1585ffa0d8601190351d31.) Feed the Muscle – A big mistake many people make when trying to lose weight and body fat is they cut too many calories across the board. The first thing you should do is make sure you are getting plenty of good clean protein to support your muscles which should be about 1-1.5 grams per pound of body weight. Next, do not eliminate complex carbohydrates from your diet. On a molecular level, protein needs complex carbohydrates to truly build and maintain lean muscle mass. And, make sure you are getting plenty of good unsaturated fats in your diet. Every cell in your body relies on good fats to support your cell health and your immune system. Do Not Starve Your Body; Feed It.

2.) Time Your Eating – Eat smaller and more often. When your body has too much food at once, your digestive processing slows down and so will your metabolism. Eating smaller amounts of food 4-5 times a day every 3-4 hours will ensure a higher metabolism and will keep your body from storing more fat. Also, reduce calories at the end of your day (dinner) and omit starchy complex carbohydrates and fruit, and eat a very small amount of good clean unsaturated fat. Stick with clean protein and green vegetables for dinner.

3.) Avoid Over Training – I see this all of the time, people doing way too much exercise. When you over train, your body will actually reduce the amount of fat it burns because it senses a physical threat and will reserve body fat for the very high energy needs you have placed upon it. Not only for the energy you need to exercise, but also the energy your body needs for basic functions and blood support.

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Go ahead and turn up the heat on burning body fat, just be sure it’s body fat your truly burning.

Health: It’s What’s for Dinner

It’s the end of your work day and you’re driving home and one of the things on your mind is “what’s for dinner?” Dinner is typically the one meal where you do not have to hurry and it’s also the one meal where most people eat the wrong food at the wrong time. Here are my tips for eating better at dinner and heating up your metabolism while you sleep.


1.) Eliminate or greatly reduce your carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are our main source for energy and if not used up, will store in the form of body fat. A complex carbohydrate (bread, pasta, beans, potatoes, and rice) takes about 1.5-2 hours to break down before your body can use it as energy. So think about it; you’re done eating at 7-7:30; you go sit or lie on the couch, and then off to bed a few hours later. The complex carbs you ate at dinner will not be ready to use until 9:00-9:30. But, you are sitting, lying, or asleep. You just told your body to store that energy as body fat.

2.) Eat Lean Protein and Green Vegetables – This is what dinner should consist of; the protein is for blood and muscle support and the green vegetables are for fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Perfect! You can even add a little fat free cottage cheese if you would like. Careful with the salad dressings; that simple sugar will throw a wrench in your metabolism and fat burning. If you are trying to drop weight, I would also eliminate fruit for dinner.

3.) Drink Up – Drink water with your dinner and drink 6-8 ounces of water right before bed. Remember, you will be without water for 7-8 hours while you sleep so drinking water right before you sleep will keep all of your organs and your cellular functions in a healthy state. Healthy cells = healthy immune system, higher metabolism, and a healthier heart.

Eating well during all meals is a great idea and one we should all shoot for but that last meal of the day is the one where I see most people making the biggest diet mistakes. So, the next time you’re driving home and wondering what’s for dinner just remember, it’s not just food; it’s health.

How Sweet It Is

Sugar! One of the sweetest things in the world and one of the most misunderstood parts of nutrition. When most people talk about sugars, they are typically referring to sugar in its simplest form; simple sugars. However, there are two types of sugars and I want to clear up any misconceptions you may have.

Another name for sugars is carbohydrates, and they come in two basic forms; simple and complex carbohydrates. I am going to list them both here, explain the differences in both, and how your body uses them.

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Simple Carbohydrates (Sugars) – these simple carbs are found in table sugar, all sweets, dressings, sauces, soft drinks, and all candy. The problem here is that most or all of these sugars have been processed which makes them an unnatural sugar and an empty calorie. Empty calorie means that a good portion of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition has been stripped during processing. A natural sugar would be unprocessed or the sugars you find in whole natural fruit, whole unprocessed fruit juice and pure unprocessed cane sugar. These sugars are called simple because your body breaks them down to use as quick energy very easily, typically in about 15-20 minutes. However, this type of quick energy is very short lived.

Complex Carbohydrates (Sugars) – these complex carbs are found in whole grains, beans, vegetables, and nuts. These complex sugars can also be processed which again strips the sugar of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It is very important to buy whole or organic grains, beans, vegetables, and nuts to get complete nutrition from these foods. These sugars are called complex because it takes your body longer to break them down and use them for energy. It typically takes about 1.5-2 hours for your body to break down this complex sugar for use but this energy source in long lasting. Fiber is another complex sugar but fiber is non nutritious to your body. Fiber is used for body functions and other needs from your body but not in a nutritious way.

Now that you know the different types of sugars and how your body uses them, you can make healthier eating choices and have better energy. Because of the many misconceptions about sugars, I included a complete 45 minute nutrition segment within my brand new It’s All Heart fitness program. And, after people watch this nutrition segment, all of their misunderstandings and confusion about nutrition are cleared up. I think that is pretty dang sweet.

Nutrition vs. Exercise: Which One is More Important?

This is a good one! I hear this argument countless times about whether nutrition or exercise is more important.  It seems that most of the opinions I hear rate the importance of nutrition vs. exercise in percentages. For example; getting healthy is 90% nutrition and 10% exercise or 50% nutrition and 50% exercise.

eat healthy!Actually, both of these opinions are way off and the same goes for all of those opinions and explanations I have heard over the years. So, what’s the right answer or breakdown in importance of exercise vs. nutrition when it comes to achieving ultimate health? The answer is…

To achieve ultimate health, the first thing you can do for yourself is to stop guessing which one is most important because both of them are equally important along with a third variable that is never mentioned within this argument; your mental state or positive attitude.. Healthy eating, correct exercise, and a positive mental state are all equally important and should be treated as so. Although they all depend on each other and are all equally important, start looking at these three variables separately and rate each one on how well you’re doing within each one.

For example; start by giving a 100% value each to nutrition, exercise, and positive attitude. And, at least once a week, rate how well you have done with each variable. All three combine to steer us through how well we do on our quest to become independently healthy, and that is 100% correct.