Exercise: Too Much, Too Little, Just Right

In an era filled with countless new exercise programs, new exercise methods, and newly designed exercise equipment, our choices to get fit are numerous. The issue is definitely not a lack of effective fitness programs available to us, but more of a lack of understanding of just how much exercise do we need to get and stay fit.

Almost every single bit of literature and information available to us about exercise is about making sure we get enough exercise but there is very little that addresses doing too much. Here’s a number for you; over half of the people that I see exercising on a regular basis are over training. That’s right, OVER training.

So, how do we know the amount of exercise that’s just right for us? Your exercise routine should match your fitness goals and your routines and goals are far too many to address here. But, no matter your fitness routine or goals, I have listed some guidelines that tell you if you are doing too much, too little, or just right.

1. Include off days – every exercise program needs to include off days. I recommend that you take two full days off a week and split them up across the week. For example: 3 days of exercise, 1 day off, 2 days of exercise, 1 day off. Your results are determined by how well your body is recuperating; you need days off to fully recuperate.

2. Exercise Durations – get at least 30 minutes a day for five days a week of moderate exercise and on the other end of the scale, do not exceed an hour and a half a day for five days a week.

3. Soreness – you may experience muscle soreness the next day or even 1-2 days after exercise which is called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). But, you should not have soreness in the same muscle for more than three days. Soreness is NOT an indicator of a “good” workout; just make sure your soreness is not in your joints.

4. Avoid Pain – You should NEVER experience pain when exercising. Pain can be and is a sign of over training and injury. There is discomfort with exercise such as getting out of breath, experiencing the burning sensation in your muscle during exercise, fatigue, being tired, and mental exhaustion but you should never have pain. If you do have pain, stop exercising and let your doctor diagnose this pain. Make sure you aren’t doing too much and that you are recuperating enough from exercise.

5. Your Immune System – the right amount of exercise can and does strengthen your immune system. However, too much or too little exercise can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. If you are exercising and you frequently get colds, you could be over training. Check your training frequency and intensity and make sure you are recuperating from exercise. If you are not exercising, starting a fitness program can and will strengthen your immune system. And, don’t forget to wash your hands after exercise and keep your hands out of your face.

6. Eat Well and Understand Nutrition – eating good food is only part of eating well, the other part is eating at the right times. My new exercise program, It’s All Heart, has a 45 minute nutrition segment which details not only what to eat, but when to eat. Make sure you are eating an hour and a half t0 two hours before you exercise and immediately after exercise. Read and understand how the different foods affect your body and energy, this is very valuable information and will improve your workouts.

7. Monitor Your Heart Rate – Invest in a heart rate monitor or start taking and recording your heart rate several times during your workout. Also, start taking your heart rate at different times of the day including before you go to sleep and right before you get out of bed in the morning. An elevated resting heart rate can mean you’re not exercising enough or that you are exercising too much as well.

8. Listen to Your Body – In addition to your heart rate, your body has other ways of telling you if you are doing the right amount of exercise. Pay attention to your energy levels throughout the day, how well you are sleeping, and monitor your emotions, moods, and mental energy. When you are exercising right, your energy, mood, sleep, and feelings of well being are very high but when your exercise levels are not what they should be, a downward spiral of feelings can become the norm.

Exercise and eating well are the keys to living as long and well as you can, just be sure that your exercise program or the way you are exercising isn’t actually taking years off your life. Treat your body now how you want it to treat you later in life and I’ll see you on your next exercise day.

Your Immune System – Building the Ultimate Force Field

Nobody likes getting sick, and being under the weather is both inconvenient and without prejudice. Those nasty viruses and bacteria which have been on earth for a long time have only gotten stronger and are constantly evolving with each day. They are a constant threat to everyone’s health and as we get older, our immune system needs help to stay strong to defeat these germs on a daily basis. The key is to build a strong defense and to make sure you have the ultimate force field.

Sick with the fluMake these things I have listed a part of your everyday life so you can build and maintain a strong immune system and kick those viruses to the curb.

1.) Wash those hands – Always wash your hands before touching your food and it’s also a good idea to keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer when eating at restaurants because menus are full of germs from many people; think about it. And, keep your hands out of your face.

2.) Get plenty of sleep – Sleeping is your body’s chance to recuperate from your day. When you do not get enough sleep, your immune system takes a hit and you will be more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Shoot for 8-9 hours of sleep every night.

3.) Manage your stress – Stress weakens the body and the mind and causes you to expend energy which you normally wouldn’t spend under less stressful conditions. Stress is a fact of life and mostly unavoidable; find a way to manage it and get some relief.

4.) Get active – An active body is a more healthy body if treated right. The right amount of exercise strengthens your entire body and especially your immune system. Exercise creates blood circulation, growth hormone release, hormone production, and burns calories which all equate to better health. Although exercise is healthy, be sure not to do too much exercise; this weakens your immune system.

5.) Eat clean fuel – Food is fuel and clean fuel burns hot. When you eat “clean”, you are eating 4-5 servings of both fruits and vegetables a day; fruit and vegetables are full of high quality vitamins and minerals which create and support a strong immune system. High quality protein and whole grains also play a key role in building a strong immune system. Make sure you are also getting enough essential oils (Omega 3, 6, and 9) in your diet to ensure healthy cells. And, last but not least, drink plenty of water every day; at least 100-120 ounces a day.

From head to toe, we are only as strong as our weakest length. Maintaining a strong immune system is a daily fight and you have to pack a powerful punch and build a strong force field because germs are planning their next punch and will hit back.