To Avoid Cancer, Think Small; Very Small

Avoiding cancer is on all of our minds because we have all been touched by it in one way or another. Although cancer cannot always be prevented, there are many types of cancer that can be avoided by the way we eat, live, and breath. It basically comes down to our immune system having the ability to fight off or destruct a mutated cancer cell before it replicates and takes hold in several areas of our body. To put yourself in the best possible position to defend against cancer, you need to fight on a cellular level; that’s where cancer starts. Here are my top things to do on a daily basis to keep your cells strong and ready to fight at all times.

ways-to-eat-healthier1.) Build super cells with super foods – This is exactly why the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society place so much importance on – eating plenty of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. And, it is equally important to eat a low fat diet and maintain a healthy body weight to keep your cells strong and healthy. The strength of every cell in our bodies is determined by how strong the mitochondria are within each cell. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell; the motor of each cell which needs oxygen and good nutrients to stay strong. Clean food = clean fuel = clean blood = strong and healthy cells.

2.) Get moving – Our bodies were made to move and when we move, our blood circulates more to provide oxygen and nutrients to every single type of tissue we have in our bodies; our muscles, soft tissue, bones, and organs. When a body doesn’t move much, everything about our bodies weaken and are subject to bacteria and viruses which can and do cause cancer. Viruses and bacteria win their fight on a cellular level when your body cannot fight it off fast enough. Mobility gives your body the ability to kill cancer before it starts and that’s why you should aim for 30 minutes of moderate activity for five days a week as a minimum.

3.) Avoid the bad stuff – We all know what this means; use of tobacco in any form, drinking too much, not wearing sunscreen, drug abuse, and many others. I’m going to add a few; not sleeping enough, over training in exercise, not managing stress, not getting your medical screenings, and not washing your hands. All of these weaken your body by weakening your individual cells. Avoiding cancer is tough enough without making it harder on yourself so get the bad stuff out of your system. We all have our vices; moderation is the key my friends.

One day, cancer will be cured but, for right now, we have to protect ourselves as much as we can by the way we live. Our bodies do what we tell it to do by the way we eat, live, and breath. And, to battle against a very big and silent enemy, we must start and keep the fight on a very small level by developing and supporting cellular health. Fuel up, run the race, and live to fight another day.