Join My It’s All Heart Fitness Class, May 7th at 8 pm!



It’s All Heart 

A Total Body Fitness Class Offered by Bobby Whisnand


 What makes this program different? 

Regardless of your abilities, health issues, or exercise experience 


What You’ll Get:

  • A class specifically designed for those with mobility, balance, energy and joint pain issues
  • Full body workout including resistance, cardiovascular and flexibility
  • Options for exercising for 30 minutes or for one hour
  • Learn kickboxing, functional movement, and core building moves
  • Increase your mobility and reduce joint pain
  • One-on-one time with Bobby Whisnand and his trainers
  • The classes compliment the It’s All Heart fitness program by Bobby Whisnand

The Next It’s All Heart Class:

  • Class starts Wednesday, May 7th at 8:00pm
  • Location – Performant Fitness, 4112 Legacy Drive, Frisco TX 75034
  • $10 per person/per class
  • What to bring: Comfortable clothing that allows for optimum movement, a water bottle, and a towel
  • To register or inquire about Bobby’s It’s All Heart classes, email or call 214.926.2639


Can’t attend this class or would like for me to hold a fitness class near you? Call or shoot me an email. Or, try the full It’s All Heart video series here


Is Your Workout Working Out?

Screen Shot 2013-10-25 at 11.30.34 AMUltimately, your effort in fitness should match your goals and your level of success. Unfortunately, what I have seen in my 21 years in the fitness industry is a lot of efforts headed in an undesired direction and being undermined by the way people exercise. I’m referring to people exercising with a program or in a way that will not yield their desired results simply because of two reasons; the program they are using does not match their fitness goals and/or they are not giving their bodies what it needs to get the most out of their workout. To help you maximize your effort and your results out of your exercise, I have listed the top two things you need to do to ensure your exercise routine is truly paying off.

  • Match your program with YOUR body and genetics – we all have different genetics and predispositions when it comes to body types so you must pick a program that best suits your physiological makeup. For example: for those of you who gain weight very easily and have a hard time losing weight, pick a program that keeps you moving with high repetitions and very little rest time. On the other hand, if you have a hard time gaining muscle and body weight in general, pick a program that is much slower paced with mostly low repetition resistance exercises and moderate cardiovascular activity. Find your best match.
  • Preparation and recuperation – this is the biggest short fall and most common mistake in fitness; not giving your body what it needs to prepare for exercise and what it needs to fully recuperate after exercise. Exercising is great for your body and is essential for optimal health but you have to give your body what it needs to get healthier both before and after exercise. This means eating the right foods at the right times, getting plenty of sleep, and managing your stress on a daily basis. If your body and your mind are not prepared for exercise your exercise routine will be much less affective. And, if you do not give your body and mind what it needs to recuperate fully after exercise, your exercise program will be much less affective and even potentially harmful. Start strong, finish stronger.

As I tell people almost on a daily basis, most of your success in fitness is determined by what you do outside of your actual exercise program. To make sure your workout program is actually working out you must first of all make sure your program actually “fits” you. And, once you know you have the right program, treat it right; it will do your body good.

Betty Wilson

Hi my name is Betty and I have known Bobby for at least 4 years after he came and spoke to our Cancer Support Group meeting.  I began using Bobby’s DVDs for about 2 months.  I have enjoyed using the DVDs with all the different exercises and the nutrition data.  By using all his tools I have lost about 15 pounds and 3 inches around my waist.  Also individuals have noticed the transformation in my clothes.

Before using this I was doing a boot camp with moderation due to knee problems.  I would also go to my gym but had to watch what type of exercise machine I could use because of the knee problems.  I didn’t see the results I have seen with Bobby’s It’s All Heart program.

At this time I am on Level One of It’s All Heart due to my knee issues.  Now that I have gotten my Total Knee Replacement I am going to move up to the Level Two of It’s All Heart in a couple of months.

In my life I have had a several medical issues.  The first one was when I was 10 years old in 1965 I had Open Heart Surgery (Atria Septal Defect) due to having an opening between the main chambers.  At that time we were told that only 2 out of 5 lived. If I didn’t get the surgery I would be in a wheelchair. Top it all off my doctor was a Naval Doctor and his name was Dr. Heart.  My heart is fine now and never had any issues since the surgery.  The second one was when I was 35 years old I found out I had AL Leukemia.  Of course after a whole year of treatments including Chemo, Radiation on Head, Spinal Blocks.  I am still in remission.  The third and final thing was this year in February having a Total Knee Replacement on my left knee because it was bone on bone.

It’s All Heart is very easy to use and I use my journal that Bobby provides with his program each day and it is very helpful. I am enjoying doing Bobby’s new program because I don’t have to go anywhere.  I am able to use the Ball, Bands and Hand Weights and enjoy how they help me with the exercises.  All three of items are easy to learn to use and they benefit you in all the different exercises.

I am happy to finally know exactly how and when to take my heart rate and it will let you know exactly at what intensity you should exercise .

I have enjoyed following the nutrition program by watching what I eat and drink each day and eating a lot more fruits and vegetables.

As you compare the way I was before and after using Bobby’s program, my energy has increased, I’ve had weight loss of about 15 pounds and 3 inches off my waist.  I have gained more strength, better sleep and my stress level has reduced.  With doing these exercise it puts less pain on my joints and especially my knees.

I have recommended Bobby’s It’s All Heart program to several of my friends and family members and they are very interested in purchasing it.  Bobby has thought of everything for this program and it gives everyone everything they need to exercise the right way.  Bobby is an awesome teacher with all the knowledge to help millions of individuals.

– Betty W.